
We are excited to expand our digital media offerings for the new year. In addition to enhanced versions of returning workshops such as Screenwriting and Digital Storytelling, brought back by popular demand, CMCM will introduce brand new classes in Photoshop and DSLR Cameras. And for those who've always dreamed of directing, Academy Award winner John Korty will share information and insights in a three-part series "Becoming a Director."

Marin TV Focus - The Day We Fight Back

A broad coalition of activist groups, companies, and online platforms will hold a worldwide day of activism in opposition to the NSA's mass spying regime on February 11th. Dubbed "The Day We Fight Back", the day of activism was announced on the eve of the anniversary of the tragic passing of activist and technologist Aaron Swartz.

On January 11, 2013, Aaron Swartz took his own life. Aaron had a brilliant, inquisitive mind that he employed towards the ends of technology, writing, research, art, and so much more. Near the end of his life, his focus was political activism, in support of civil liberties, democracy, and economic justice. The protest is both in his honor and in celebration of the victory over the Stop Online Piracy Act two years ago this month, which he helped spur.

Participants including Access, Demand Progress, the Electronic Frontier Foundation, Fight for the Future, Free Press, BoingBoing, Reddit, Mozilla, ThoughtWorks, and more to come, will join potentially millions of Internet users to pressure lawmakers to end mass surveillance -- of both Americans and the citizens of the whole world.

We Will Be Closed on Independence Day

Remember to plan your reservations and equipment returns ahead of time, We will be closed on Friday, July 4.

We will be open on Saturday, July 5, from 12:00 - 6:00 PM.

However, with our youth team we will be covering the San Rafael Pacifics Baseball game live on July 4 - tune in at 1:00pm on Channel 30!

Happy and safe Independence Day!

Hooked on Marin: Rock 'n' Roll

UPDATE: Marin County Rock 'n' Roll is available to Watch Now

You can also see the whole 2013-2014 Hooked on Marin lecture series with this online playlist:

As part of the Hooked on Marin Speaker Series, rock historian and College of Marin Instructor, Richie Unterberger, gave a presentation on "Marin County Rock 'n' Roll Music History." The audience was also treated to a talk by Rock Journalist Ben Fong-Torres.

The Hooked on Marin speaker series is a community-based partnership comprised of Marin county public service agencies and educational districts collaborating to foster social, educational, and cultural enrichment opportunities in Marin. Video coverage is provided by the Drake High School Communications Academy in a partnership between CMCM and the Intel Computer Clubhouse. CMCM trained four separate multi-camera production teams to cover each of the talks.

Net Neutrality Is Dead. Here's How to Get It Back

Net Neutrality has been the elephant in the regulatory room for over 10 years and our representatives have still failed to notice it. This lack of adequate protection has resulted in the court ruling today - the worst of all scenarios. Free Press has a petition/letter campaign launched - if this issue concerns you - take action here.

Net Neutrality Is Dead. Here's How to Get It Back
Craig Aaron, January 14, 2014

This piece originally appeared in the Huffington Post.

Three judges in D.C. just killed Net Neutrality.

This could be the end of the Internet as we know it. But it doesn't have to be.

The big news: A federal appeals court on Tuesday struck down the Federal Communications Commission's Open Internet Order. This decision means that companies like AT&T, Comcast and Verizon — which brought the lawsuit — are now free to block or slow down any website, application or service they like.

Marin TV Holiday Tour

We are excited to announce our Holiday Tour!

Marin TV recently visited the Marin Country Mart and Good Earth with a green screen and holiday hats in-hand, for Marin residents and visitors to spread their holiday cheer on the Community Channel.

We want to give a big THANK YOU to Marin Country Mart and Good Earth for letting us use your locations to feature the tour. We also would like to say a big thank you to everyone who came out to make it such a good time.

Watch the Holiday Tour on our Community Channel U-Verse 99| Comcast 26, Monday through Friday at 4PM. Click here to view the greetings on-demand!

The short promo will also be playing throughout the day on our channel, to see more show times checkout our online schedule at:

Thanks Again!

Hooked on Marin - Trains: Past, Present & Future

UPDATE: This video is available to Watch Now

Join host Terry McGovern as this Hooked on Marin speaker event explores the county's railroading past. Marin historian Richard Torney takes a trip down memory 'track.' Then find out about the latest developments of the SMART system and what the future holds down the line.

Trains in Marin: Past and Future
7pm, Wednesday, Dec 4
Corte Madera Community Center

The Hooked on Marin speaker series is a community-based partnership comprised of Marin county public service agencies and educational districts collaborating to foster social, educational, and cultural enrichment opportunities in Marin. Video coverage is provided by the Drake High School Communications Academy in a partnership between CMCM and the Intel Computer Clubhouse. CMCM trained four separate multi-camera production teams to cover each of the talks.

Watch Out - Congress to Rewrite the Communications Act

While the Communications Act is in definite need for a radical re-thinking with an eye on equitable access, affordability and expanded public interests protections, the thought of this reform effort launching under current House leadership should be cause for alarm.

Leading the charge is House Commerce Committee Chairman Fred Upton (R-MI) who last attempted this in 2006 when he championed the troubled national video franchise legislation written by AT&T. His effort then was to get the bill into conference where the real decisions are made (behind closed doors and away from public scrutiny). AT&T failed in that effort, but succeeded in passing their legislation in 20 states accomplishing the same goal. In CA, AT&T gave us DIVCA and succeeded in exiling local PEG channels to a CH99 ghetto menu and altering funding streams to create fiscal instability for media centers around the state.

Sausalito People Series playlist

Keep up with the Sausalito People series with this series playlist.

Sausalito People is a great way to hear from interesting people living among us in Sausalito. Each
program in the series features a local resident talking about his or her work, area of expertise, or
adventures and experiences.

November Updates

This month's updates include a chance to peak inside the Star Wars model shop, a look at our 'Horrorsonmia' late night movie line up, board member election results and upcoming workshops.

Click here to see the full newsletter.

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