Public Policy

Pledge to save H2O

Help California withstand the drought!

Sustainable Fairfax - Water Panel

CMCM is co-sponsoring a water conservation panel discussion organized by Sustainable Fairfax, Friday March 21, 6:30 – 9:00 PM
at the Fairfax Women's Club - 46 Park Road, Fairfax, CA.

Speakers on the panel include:

Lauren Hage, co-founder of Weaving Earth, discusses runoff as a resource
instead of a problem. Rainwater harvesting, berm and bioswales will be

Peter Waring, Home Energy Consultant, provides information on installing
greywater systems and ways to conserve water indoors.

Dan Carney, MMWD Water Conservation Manager, gives the latest update on
our reservoir levels, water usage, drought concerns and how to get free home
MMWD water consults.

Terri Fashing of Marin County Stormwater Pollution Prevention Program
covers how to protect and enhance water quality in creeks and wetlands,
and discusses State water permit requirements.

Tony Mekisich, Marin Master Gardener and horticulturist, gives tips on
strategies for selecting and using plants for water conserving gardens.
Moderator: Liza Crosse, Vice President of Marin Municipal Water Board (MMWD),
representing Fairfax and surrounds.

LWV Candidate Debates and Election Info

Know your stuff this November!

Tell the FCC to Protect Disaster Victims and Ensure Effective Phone Service for All

The advocacy organization Public Knowledge is running a petition campaign requesting that the FCC prevent Verizon from replacing reliable land lines with only "VoiceLink" wireless service in areas damaged by Hurricane Sandy.

To quote PK: "Disaster victims should not be guinea pigs for experiments in new phone service. In the wake of Hurricane Sandy last October, Verizon decided that instead of rebuilding its traditional phone lines, the company is replacing them with something called a "fixed wireless service."

You may recall that in September 2012 and despite widespread opposition, the CA State legislature passed SB 1161, a bill written by AT&T which deregulated VOIP phone service and creates potential negative impacts on IP internet services and regular phone service in CA - including the eventual loss of land lines.

For more info and to sign the petition, see:

Candidate Debate

UPDATE: Watch this debate with Damon Connolly and Susan Adams online.

Presented by Sustainable San Rafael.

Why is AT&T trying to stop you from keeping an eye on local government?

Channel 99 is the public-access ghetto

Code Across Marin - February 21st

Code Across Marin
February 21, 3-4:30pm
Fairfax Women's Club - RSVP

Watch Out - Congress to Rewrite the Communications Act

While the Communications Act is in definite need for a radical re-thinking with an eye on equitable access, affordability and expanded public interests protections, the thought of this reform effort launching under current House leadership should be cause for alarm.

Leading the charge is House Commerce Committee Chairman Fred Upton (R-MI) who last attempted this in 2006 when he championed the troubled national video franchise legislation written by AT&T. His effort then was to get the bill into conference where the real decisions are made (behind closed doors and away from public scrutiny). AT&T failed in that effort, but succeeded in passing their legislation in 20 states accomplishing the same goal. In CA, AT&T gave us DIVCA and succeeded in exiling local PEG channels to a CH99 ghetto menu and altering funding streams to create fiscal instability for media centers around the state.

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