CMCM Highlights of 2014 & Plans for 2015

CMCM is pleased to share some highlights of our activities over the past year -- and plans for the New Year:
We installed production equipment in San Anselmo and Larkspur and will start 2015 with ten different county and city governments and agencies cablecasting their meetings on the Government Channel - many live!
With so much government content, we are requesting a second government channel from our cable providers.
We continued our Summer Sports Broadcast Camp and had a great group of youth produce ten live cablecasts of San Rafael Pacifics Baseball Games.
We are launching the Marin Media Corp to train youth and engage them in community productions.
We'll begin to upgrade our aging field equipment and bring the studio up to full HD production capability so our community productions will look even better this time next year!
Most significantly, we were successful in securing temporary bridge support funding from the MTA which ensures for the first time that CMCM has a firm foundation upon which to build.
Your support is essential to our work and helps us expand our efforts into the communities of Marin. All donations are tax deducible.
Donate here now and support community media in Marin!
Want to learn more about the past year at CMCM? Read our recent Annual Report.
Please note our holiday hours, CMCM will be closed Dec 24 - Jan 1 for the holidays and maintenance.