Work-In-Progress Wednesdays
Is your video project speaking clearly to your audience? Come to Work-in-Progress Wednesdays and receive feedback by an industry pro.
Hollywood film editor, author, and educator Gael Chandler will facilitate this FREE forum, to be held every other month. “Consider it a free focus group,” says Chandler, who will critique sample clips representing three short-form or two long-form projects during each two-hour session.
Short-form projects should be between 8–10 minutes long. Long-form projects should be no more than 20 minutes.
You don't need to be a CMCM member to attend a Work-In-Progress session. You don't even need to be working on a project! If you're interested in presenting a video clip for feedback, email a brief description of your project no later than Wednesday, August 26 to
Sessions: Ongoing; every other month.
Date: Wednesdays, September 2 (6:30 - 8:30 PM)