Welcome Novato!

To our Novato Friends, welcome to Marin TV. In the coming days you will see your channels on Comcast and AT&T migrate from the NCTV channels to the Marin TV channels. We hope you will find them to your liking. You will discover a wider array of new programming both local, national and international. Our schedules are posted on this site as well as access to the live web streams.
For members of NCTV, we have grandfathered your memberships to CMCM for one year starting July 1. If you were certified in field camera we will honor that with a brief tutorial on the use of our cameras which will be different. Editing will be available via our edit lab for Final Cut Pro and Davinci Resolve. Later this summer the lab will be upgraded to M2 Macs. Use of our Main Studio and Podcast Studio will require taking the related courses as these facilities are likely quite different to what you were used to. For info on classes or membership matters, contact omid@marintv.org. If you do intend to activate your membership, we suggest you also review our member hand book here.
If you submitted programming for playback at NCTV you are welcome to do so here as well. There is a playback application here. We accept files in digital format or links to files online (youtube, Vimeo, dropbox, etc). Any questions can be directed to programming @cmcm.tv.
For members wanting to receive updates as well as participate in crew calls and the like, we suggest you subscribe to our member discussion list.
We hope the changes are amicable to all Novato residents. The city requested we assume these services and we will do our best to ensure a smooth transition.