CMCM Updates

ASK THE EXPERTS Returns This Spring (May & June)!

CMCM's popular series of masterclasses "Ask The Experts" is back at Marin TV on-site with media-related topics presented by experts in their field. These special workshops are free for all CMCM members and $35 for non-members (all ATE workshops and 1-year membership included).

The Ask The Experts (ATE) series will be hosted by CMCM's Director of Operations, Omid Shamsapour. They will be held on Thursdays @ 6:30 PM:

"Story & Structure" with Andrew Small
Thursday, May 16th (6:30 - 8:30 PM):
Learn the skills for writing a feature film from an experienced screenwriter and, in turn, adapt those skills into writing a short film!

"Comfortable On Camera" with Tiffany McElroy
Thursday, May 23rd (6:30 - 8:30 PM):
Learn from an Emmy Award-winning television journalist how to improve the way you communicate and help you deliver your message on camera in a compelling and engaging way. After this workshop, you'll feel as comfortable and confident as a pro!

"Smartphone Productions" with Michael Bouyer
Thursday, June 6th (6:30 - 8:30 PM):

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