CMCM has Re-Opened!

After more than a year of required closure due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Community Media Center of Marin will re-open on a limited basis effective Wednesday, May 26.
CMCM will resume its regular business hours – Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays from 2 – 9 PM; Fridays and Saturdays from 11 AM – 6 PM, but will operate at 50% capacity for editing access. Due to distancing issues, studio usage will remain off limits until Marin reaches yellow status and/or COVID guidelines change.
The CMCM edit lab will accommodate a maximum of six FCP-certified members at a time in three-hour blocks. Computer statio¬ns are screened for protection and distancing. Reservations will be required and accepted on a first-come first-served basis. No walk-ins will be allowed.
Equipment check-outs will continue. Camera-certified members are welcome to make a reservation on the new CMCM reservation tool.
Camera and editing workshops will be limited to six students, and no CMCM members will be allowed in the Edit Lab when students are attending workshops.
Please note that COVID pandemic protocols will be strictly enforced in compliance with California State and Marin County guidelines. Members will have their temperature taken at the door, and anyone with a measured temperature of 100.4° F (38° C) or greater will not be allowed entrance. In addition, staff and members will be required to wear a mask at all times and keep socially distanced while at CMCM. Members are asked to come to the center alone; no guests or gatherings can be permitted at this time.
There will be an initial survey form and an ongoing sign-in procedure so that we can track attendance at the center at any particular time in the event contact tracing is necessary. Yes, this may all seems bureaucratic, but it is to ensure members and staff are protected to the best of our abilities and can stay healthy and well.
CMCM is grateful to our members, and wants to acknowledge the patience everyone has displayed during this most challenging past year. Let’s turn the channel now – to Marin TV!