CMCM Donations 2015

Community Media Center of Marin has had a great year! (now we can use
your help)
On the Education Channel you cannot help be amazed at the diverse
programming. Channel 26 is bustling with creative shows from our members.
CMCM classes and workshops are busy with newly engaged folks wanting to
volunteer or create new programs.
We have expanded our Government Channel’s reach greatly and we now
provide coverage from 11 Cities and County Agencies. Our expanding service
now covers Marin Clean Energy meetings, Board of Supervisors, Planning
Commissions and more.
I am proud to say that CMCM makes life in Marin better for anyone who
values creative, independent TV - and we are taking it to even greater heights
in the year ahead.
We have a great year-end fundraiser that gives you the opportunity to double
your donation! Please make a donation to CMCM before the end of the year
and the Board pledges to match your gift. Board Members have agreed to
match a total of $5000 in end of the year gifts.
The Board believes in the CMCM mission and is looking forward to matching
your gifts. Please make a gift today and see your tax-deductible donation
doubled! Donations may be made by check or online