"Ask the Experts" series kicks off Thursday, September 3

They're b-a-a-a-c-k! Specialists share information and insights about all things media in CMCM's popular "Ask the Experts" series of master classes. For the first time, these presentations will be offered via Zoom.
Thursday, September 3 (6:30 - 8:30 PM)
Can you use pre-existing material in your video? If not, why not? If so, to what extent? Community Media Center of Marin Executive Director Michael Eisenmenger explains the terminology and offers welcome clarity to these often confounding topics.
"Ask the Experts" are free to CMCM members. Non-member registration of $25 includes a year-long membership to CMCM and free admittance to all "Ask the Experts" presentations in this series. Register at www.cmcm.tv/asktheexperts