DUC Lectures-Robert Reich

Leadership Lectures Series, in partnership with Book Passage, highlights extraordinary individual, organizational and societal leadership.

The Lecture Series seeks to promote constructive change in our community and its organizations by bringing to Dominican University of California some of the country’s leading figures from the world of politics, entertainment, academia, and literature.

Robert B. Reich is one of our most trenchant and informed economy experts. He has served in three national administrations, most recently as secretary of labor under President Bill Clinton.

His most recent novel, Aftershock, is a brilliant new reading of the economic crisis and a plan for dealing with the challenge of its aftermath.

When the nation’s economy foundered in 2008, blame was directed almost universally at Wall Street. But Robert B. Reich suggests a different reason for the meltdown. The real problem is structural, he argues. There is an increasing concentration of income and wealth at the top, while the middle class has to go deeply into debt to maintain a decent standard of living.