Reckoning with Torture

'Reckoning with Torture: Memos and Testimonies from the 'War on Terror'' is public education program designed to draw attention to the torture and abuse of detainees in U.S. custody. This performance was recorded in Berkeley, CA, on October 15, 2010, during 'Berkeley Says No To Torture' Week.

Performers include Ray McGovern (retired CIA officer), Mimi Kennedy (author & activist), Andy Worthington (journalist), Pamela Merchant (Center for Justice & Accountability), Marjorie Cohn (National Lawyers Guild), Renee Saucedo (La Raza Centro Legal), Jason Leopold (Truthout), Peter Selz (Berkeley Art Museum), Shahid Buttar (Bill of Rights Defense Committee), Jeffrey Kaye (Survivors International), devorah major (poet laureate of San Francisco), and Col. Ann Wright (US State Dept., retired).

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